Thursday, September 30, 2004


What happened to me today? I don't know, I forgot.

Wait, i'll try to remember by starting from the beginning...
I woke up later than usual which then makes me late to school. Don't worry, being late is just normal to me, no biggie.

Because I'm late, I wasn't able to visit my locker and get my books. Good thing I have "my everything notebook" with me. It's where I jot down everyday assignments, doodles and drawing when I'm bored or if I'm ever in need of scratch papers, it's always handy. So I jotted my notes there.

The only bad thing that happened to me this morning is when I was seated to the stupidest and most useless kid during English time. Changing seats almost every subject is downright irritating! Especially if your seatmate is even more irritating.

He keeps on teasing me that I'm a nerd. Well guess what? I'd rather be a nerd than be stupid like him! He's really annoying. I just snob like I always do to those who want to bully me, but he still continous to bug me. I can't believe someone would be that desperate for my attention! I actually don't care but his constant ranting is just plain annoying. That baka!

Anyway, let me see what happened the rest of the day. Hmm... Well after school, bought an internet card for my brother since I was unable to do so yesterday which caused my brother to be expelled in his guild in Ragnarok (an online RPG) because he wasn't able to attend the guild wars or siege. (Yikes! Sorry kuya! [Kuya=What Filipinos call their older brothers]) I also bought a new red gel pen (I lost my pencil case somewhere along with most of my pens). Then I went home, did internet, watched Hunter X Hunter and did internet again until now.

And those are the things that happened to me today. Sorry if my life is too boring, that's just the way things are.

Till next time!


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