Saturday, October 02, 2004

HxH Black Book and some rantings on art

It's saturday today and I'm currently doing our project in PA which is a fansite of Hunter X Hunter called HxH Black Book. Nice name, huh? I thought of it, and also the theme and I also made the design. Woohoo! I am so good.

Here's what the most interesting thing that happened to me today: I made some HxH doujounchi (is that the right spelling?). Their really funny! (for me) Maybe I'll post 'em here one day, I'll get some feedback from my friends first and see which ones are worthy to be published online.
I'm currently researching for some pics in deviantart for my project, so I can get some pics that people rarely uses - fanart. Sometimes, fanarts are even cuter than official pictures.

I have an account at deviantart (my username is ethonica), but I don't post any of my drawings there. LOL, post my artworks in my website, but only a few. Don't have much time to scan my drawings and upload them now. Maybe in the future, maybe.

Sometimes, I envy those kids in deviantart, those who can draw good anime. Sometimes I wish I can draw as good as them, even if anime and impressionism (the kind of art I use and rule over) are galaxies away. Their like math and english, you can only be good at one of them. *sigh* Good thing I have friends who are talented manganers like Mika-chan. I can just ask them to draw my fave anime characters. But being able to draw it, personally, is really... different. I guess I just got to be content with my Van Gogh-like style, which I feel like I'm gradually losing (hope I don't really lose it, my art teacher will kill me!).

Honestly, I don't feel so great. I feel like my drawings suck. My fanfics suck, my stories suck-everything sucks. The one thing that I kind of feel I'm quite good at is webdesign, but I also think I suck at it.

Grr... I'm not supposed to think this way. I already promised myself I won't think so lowly of myself again, but like any other promises I do to myself, their all broken. Well, maybe not all, just most of them.

Hey, why do I suddenly feel so blue? Maybe because I'm tired. I actually just woke up. I slept a while ago and woke up at 9 and even if it's 10 already, I still feel sleepy. I lack sleep the entire week, I'm so stressed out with all the responsiblity balanced all my shoulder, I still have tons of things I need to do and I need to do them now. My PA project is due on monday and so is my math project. So until next time!

-log out-


Blogger diva9divine said...

eloo... i'm just a random reader..

hang on!! practise makes perfect.. never be discouraged!


5:25 PM  

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