Friday, November 19, 2004

Exams X Bodega Sale

I'm back! We're going to have our second long test this quarter on Tuesday. This might be my last day to post until the end of our two-day exams, but I'm not absolutely sure about that. Our test on Tuesday will just be Filipino and Biology. Those two subjects don't recquire too much reviewing, and I already stated reviewing, so I might finish studying early. Then ofcourse, there is my dad. If he stays home on the day before my tests, chances are, I won't be able to get hold of our PC, but if Lady Luck is on my side and I'm already pretty sure I'll pass my exams, I would be updating this blog.

I got lots of good grades on our last long test, I even got a higher remark on most tests to some of my friends. Imagine, I got 98 on our PA exam and I only studied that during the break time before the actual exam because I couldn't find my hand-outs at home so I just borrowed my friend's. I am also getting good at English again. My grades in English was starting to fall before as I got more and more lazier and I also often study that subject on the break before the actual exam (just like my PA test). Even with my horrible system, I manage to pass my tests; I even got a 90 before.

Our school launches a bodega sale yearly that lasts for 3 days. It was really bad timing, since I was saving money this week. Most of the shops there are even overpriced. For example, Hunter X Hunter cards were sold there for 20 pesos, while in ATC, the exact cards were sold for the price of 5 pesos! If they're original, I'd gladly buy them, but they're not, and the pictures were only fanart found online! The artists behind those pics must be really proud however, if that happens to me, I'd be really angry and probably sue them. I mean, it's copyright work. Anyway, I bought a Sakura card (the Sheild card) for 10 pesos. Ofcourse it's not worth it, since it's also fake, but there's no copyright written there so maybe I can scan it and use it on a layout one day. LOL I think I'm also a hypocrite like the owner of Gossamer (she said so herself). I hate copyright violaters, but given the chance, I would too. XP


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