Saturday, November 27, 2004

The Mystery of the Lock Theif

Weeks ago, someone stole my locker's lock and key. The same happened to my friend, Mika. (For more details, click here.)

Today, I found out who the culprit is: James Park. He's a Korean first year. I think he also has a twin and either he, his twin or both of them, go to the Balikbayan class, a class specialy made for students in our school who has a hard time with the Filipino language.

I went to school today even if I'm feeling lazy to do so because it's Saturday, but it was recquired for us since we will have some kind of program in celebration for my school's new name.All we did there was play some games wherein are opponents are our teachers. We won most of the games! lol

On my way home while I was riding on the tricycle, I noticed the skyblue, skateboard keychain that was attached to the kid that was with me. I thought, "Hey, it's just like the keychain of my lost lock!" Then I noticed that a small key was also attached to it. I knew at once it was my keychain. The small key that was attached to it was the key of my diary that I lost before and the keychain was a gift to me by a friend, but my locker key was not attached to it. Nevertheless, I told the person that his keychain resembled the one of my lost key. He confessed it was mine, but it was only given to him by James Park, a korean, then he gave it back to me.

On Wednesday, I'm going to scout for that James Park. I sometimes catch him staring and I knew long before that something was fishy with this bloke. Me and Mika were right at thinking that the theif is a freshman, but I'm not sure if he also stole Mika's lock, though there's a big possibility that he did. I'm also not 100% sure that this Mr. Park is the theif, the guy who told me must be lying, but I know his face anyway so I can confront him again.

Because we went to school today, we won't have any classes on Monday and Tuesday, so on Wednesday, I'm going to scout my school for this James Park and ask him to cough up my lock and key, but I better ask him first if he is James Park, because I might mistake him from his twin.

I'm almost at the end of this mystery of the lock theif! Maybe I should add being a detective on my list of possible future careers. ^_^ If ever I become a detective, I'll make sure Mika will be my partner. XD

Edit: Oops! My mistake! James Park has no twin, but a 3rd year brother. They look so alike, sorry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? Park has twin? I thought he had a older brother who was our batchmate. I don't know if what I'm saying is true. haha lol

I think you should report it to the prefect, but tell them to keep it anonymous so no one can go and bully (can't find the right word) you, if they will find out that it was you who spilled the beans.

Was the kickoff fun? I wasn't able to attend since I was on official activity. I needed to attend my MTAP training.

-- claudia

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm.. so park stole it.. he doesn't have a twin.. he just has an older brother.. go teach him a lesson!! haha.. joke.. but don't bully! just report it to the prefect..

i wasnt at the kick off, i had a competition.. was it really that fun?!


7:03 AM  
Blogger celestial_elisha said...

Gosh! I'm wrong! Well I saw the 2 of them before, together, and they looked alike so I thought they were twins.

The 1st and 2nd years's kickoff was seperated from the 3rd and 4th years.

It was fun to watch my fellow students kick the ass of our teachers while they excused, "Ganyan talaga ang mga bida, nagpapa-bugbog muna sa umpisa." But for some who are not participating, they might think it was boring. They said there was a 2,000 pesos hidden on the pabitin, I don't know if that's true though, and the prizes are money.

6:29 AM  

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