Thursday, October 06, 2005

Does anybody know how to enroll at Hogwarts?

I'm part of the HP webmaster community! Cool!If I could have three wishes, I would wish for a laptop, lots of money that can fill a truck and to study at Hogwarts and be at the exact same year and house as Harry Potter--seriously. In fact, if Hogwarts is only real, I would be willing to do whatever it takes just to be a student there. And if I do get to be a Hogwarts student, I would be the weirdest witch at Hogwarts, even weirder than Luna Lovegood, in wizarding standards because I would be the most muggle-like witch there. Parchments and quills are impractical, there's a reason why notebooks and pens were invented, you know. If only gadgets are allowed in Hogwarts, I would have brought my cellphone too and the laptop I wished for, but according to Hogwarts, A History, these muggle machines do not work at Hogwarts, or at least that's what Hermione says.

You're probably wondering what's with the Harry Potter talk. Well these past few days, aside from studying for our Quarter Exams, I was also reading book 4 of Harry Potter. It actually started this Saturday and before I know it, I can hardly put the book down. Sadly, I also still don't have the 6th book, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Actually, I already own a copy, it's just not yet in my hands. My aunt in the stated bought me a copy, but she can only send it along with the balikbayan full of Christmas gifts from her which will probably be sent here around October or November. Sigh....

I had this conversation with a friend before which slightly annoyed me.

Friend: I heard someone's going to die at book 6.
Me: Don't tell me who.
Friend: It's Dumbledore.
Me: Waah!! T__T

I'm not sure if Dumbledore will really die, but it would have been much better if I've learned it while reading the book. Now the suspense is totally gone. Please, please, don't tell me any spoilers.


Blogger Clive Dangerously said...

I hate spoilers because you end up constantly worrying about that one character's death and don't worry when others get into trouble. Completely ruins the book/movie/whatever it is.

6:22 PM  
Blogger Edgar said...

beautiful images you got here. i love the movies, not the books. very little time to read; got to blog kasi.

3:31 PM  
Blogger Edgar said...

thanks for dropping by. visited, it's done by a pro; she's witty.

6:39 AM  

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