Thursday, January 13, 2005

Cellphone thievery 101

Remember one of my old posts when I said there was this event and I was using a laptop with free internet? Well, after posting that entry, I roamed around the place and managed to get hold of a nifty KHAN poster and an old issue of MPH (Mobile Philippines - a magazine about digital technology).

They have this article about cellphone snatching and I learned a fair amount of information. Like having an outdated cellphone (ex. Nokia 5110, 3210) doesn't mean you're safe from cellphone thievery. Snatchers can already earn a nifty Php500-1000 with those.

There are also two classes of theives: high-breds and low-breds. Low-breds uses brute force while high-breds make you trust them then they fool you. Low-breds say that the reason for their theivery is because of drugs so that they will be "cool," while in reality, they do it because of hunger and needs of his family.

Snathcers uses different kinds of modus operandi that, believe it or not, have actually fooled a number of people.

Ex. 1. On a beach or pool, the culprit would watch a group of people dress down for the swim. Then he will observe where they place their phones. When they're gone and their bags are huddles by the pool or under a shady area, he will park his bag in the middle of the bunch, take a swim, make people laugh and like him. When everybody is busy, he will return back to the pile of bags, act like he's rummaging through his stuffs while actually, he's transferring your cellphones in his bag.

Ex. 2. Culprit would dress up on his most professional-looking attire, go to a premier university, check the class schedules and enter a classroom just before a class starts. He will then introduce himself as a substitute teacher and pretend his battery is low. He will borrow from one of the students and go to outside to he could "catch a good signal." Once out of a site, it's time for him to scram.

So what else have I learned? I learned not to lend anyone I don't know no matter what he says he is, not to use my phone in public, no matter what model I'm using or better yet, don't use my phone at all (?) and that cellphone snatching is a good hobby especially if your broke. Joke!


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