WARNING: This is a loooong post--seriously.
Youth Camp was so much fun, I don't even regret missing a couple of soccer practices and the last few episodes of Full House. Btw, can anyone tell me what happened?
They divided us into 12 tribes , according to the 12 tribes of Israel. My tribe is Naphtali and our colour is purple. Just like in Survivor, they gave us bandanas that is color coded to our tribe.
The place where we had our camp was called Rizal Re-creation Center. It was so far, three-hour bus ride. Because it was a re-creational center, you can do anything, play basketball, croquet, volleyball, bowling, boxing, billiards, even soccer! They have a soccer field that is not as big as our field in school but way more greener. Guess what, I was even able to play soccer with my new crush! *^_^*

I just met him at the camp. I hope he attends Jesus Generation every Saturday since I don't see him at the 5 pm service on Sundays, which is the one I always attend to.

Comparing to the place where we had a retreat at our school, I'd say that the bedroom in Capuchin is better than in RRC, but other than that, I like RRC more. I mean, what place could be better than a place where you can play soccer? They also have a pool there and how I found the pool was also very memorable. Oh yeah, they're food is also great. I always take 2 desserts (dessert is my favorite part of the meal), kuya takes at least 5. Takaw.
We don't get to choose our tribe mates, they just group us with people they don't think we're close too so we can meet new people. Kaiku, a schoolmate, was also there. Our bunk beds were even beside each other and we're both on the top bunk. But my two closest friends there are Wynona and Jomarlyn. At first I thought Jomarlyn was a snob, but she was really the exact opposite. Wynona was our tribe's "little baby girl" being the youngest girl among us. That nickname, little baby girl, was first used by ate Micah. She gave me a nick too, OC or obssesive compulsive or being so overly-neat that you can not resist the urge to clean up any mess that befalls your sight.
I swear I'm not that neat. Heck, my brother has to threaten me before I clean up at home. During the first day, I had the messiest bed. So messy that when I climb up my bed, I have no where to sit. So around the second day, I decided to clean up and I've kept my stuffs neat after that. That's why she calls me OC. I didn't even know I was OC at first so when they said, "OC, you start the prayer." We were all silent there for a long while because no one was praying.
Everyday, there is praise and worship except for the 4th day when we were going home so we just had 2 services on the 3rd day. The praise and worship on the 1st day was the one where we were most hyped up. On the 2nd day, there wasn't too much jumping around. I think it's because we had the Eagle's Challenge that day.
In Eagle's Challenge, there are 11 stations and on every station, there is a different challenge. When you fail on a challenge, three of your members will be bound. There's one station called "Electric Fence." There is a net (the fence) and we have to move our tribe one by one by passing through a hole in the net without touching the fence. For every time you touch, you get a warning. Three warnings and you already failed the challenge. The only way to pass through the net is by being carried by your team mates. It was fun! Our tribe is one of the two tribes who was able to cross all of their members through the electric fence. The other tribe was Yellow (my fave colour and a memorable tribe), but they have lots of young kids with them. No wonder they could easily pass through the fence. Our tribe has lots of big people in it. I think Kuya Yan is even as big as James Park or bigger and we have to carry him. Actually, the girls are not included. It's boy to boy and girl to girl. No girl can be carried by a boy and vice versa.
On another station, we stand around in a circle and one person pass a plastic ball to the person next to her and so on until all the balls have been passed on and on and back to the first person. If one of us drops a ball, we fail. While we were practicing, plastic balls drops and bounces everywhere. We never get to do it perfectly so the marshall just made us pass the ball. No more throwing. No more catching. It was just passing by hand and yet, one of our tribemates let the ball slip through his hand. *rolls eyes*
Just like the show, Survivor, we also get to eat yucky stuffs. Yucky stuffs like 3-day old goats milk, ampalaya and ampalaya juice (mm... yummy). It is also in this station where our flag got captured. Whoever gets to capture a flag gets merits and the tribe who loses one, gets demerits. Kuya Yan tried to get it back, but he slipped and his arm hit a tree--hard. I saw his arm and it was very red, though there is no blood. He got bandaged afterwards and we won the challenge for him.
There are also lots of animals there. Upon getting down the bus, we were at once greeted by 3 cute doggies. They also have a monkey with a first and last name: Kamu Kako.
I am getting lazy typing all of this. I think it's too long already, but I must tell them in order for me to remember in the future. Someone also tried to cut herself. During the praise and worship, she couldn't say, "Jesus, you're my Lord and Saviour." So she finally gave up, went to their cabin and cut herself. Good thing the service was only short that her tribe mates found her before things could get worse. Some of my tribe mates got scared after that. None of us slept alone that night. We all went to someone else's bed. I carried my bed down and placed it beside Winona's bed which was on the floor and the three of us, including Jomarlyn, slept there. I think we slpet at around 2 am because we kept on chatting. We were the noisiest and most fun bunch because we kept on laughing until the time we slept. That morning, Pastor Andrew said something about her forgetting drink her medicine. There's no use hiding it, we all new anyway.
After swimming, we had the water challenge where we played games that can get us soaked wet. But even if you did manage to stay dry, you still have no escape because after that, everyone just started throwing water baloons and soaking each other like crazy. It was so fun! The unluckiest ones were the popular ones like the son of Gary Valenciano, Gab. Everyone kept on soaking him even though he was starting to get pissed. Lol!
I really miss camp. Even though we were only top 8, at least we got the most merits because we're always early for the services. But even with all the merits, we're number 8. Kuya was laughing at me because his tribe was top 4. Hmph! They lost lots of challenges on the Eagle's Challenge that all of them were bound. Some were tied in their hands and feet, others were blinded so they were like, "Nasan na ba tayo? Nasa station na ba tayo?" And the others were just jumping around. Hop, hop. Croak, croak.
I'll miss my tribe mates, my new friends and someone that I thought his name was N-20. Lol! Parang robot. I'll make sure I don't miss anymore Jesus Gen or Gen Ups. And you can bet I will still be joining next year's camp. I heard it's going to be on a resort that can fit 500 people and it's on Quezon which my dad says is farther than Rizal so it might be a 4-hour ride now. I think they might also make it longer now, maybe one week instead of four days.
Sorry for the long post. I'm trying to squeeze four happy days into a single post. A lot can happen in four days. There's still even more, but I think this is enough. If you do, miraculously, manage to read it all until here, then you must really adore me. Joke! Thanks for putting some effort in reading this.