Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Super Flash!

I now know how to use Flash! I mean, i now know how to properly use Macromedia Flash. It's real easy and simple too. Now it follows everything I say, unlike before when the end result of my animation is far from what I've really imagined it to be.

Before, during Dasayawit and Sir Esteban presented an animation. Remember the morphing letters there? I can already do that! As for the other graphics, I suppose I can too. They're just lots of complicated shapes anyway and I can already turn a circle into a square into a triangle then to the word, "ELISHA".

Flash is so fun. Flash is so cool. Flash is so fantabulous!

Btw, I joined the webdesign contest and on-the-spot painting contest at school for the upcoming PA Month. I'm also thinking of joining the hardware contest where you just need to assemble a computer. My dad says it's just easy and real simple. It's like a puzzle. If it doesn't fit, don't force it. If it fits, then good. And all you need is two kinds screw drivers.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

You want God for a Friend!

Needing a friend? God makes a great friend. He really does! When you become His friend, you possess the most valuable thing in the universe—the loyalty of God.

One man who had this was David, and many generations were blessed as a result. There were times when God was inclined to judge the people because of their sinfulness, but then He would remember His covenant with David and relent. God basically said to the people, “The only reason you’re being blessed right now is because of my loyalty to David.”

God honored His loyalty to Abraham in the same way. God told successive generations that He would be with them and bless them specifically because He was maintaining His loyalty to His friend, Abraham. The point here is, when God is loyal to you, He gives you as spiritual inheritance in every successive generation.

There’s one story in particular about Abraham that demonstrates God’s unusual loyalty to His friends. It actually happened at a time when his name was Abram. Abram was afraid that the king of the land, Abimelech, would see how beautiful his wife was and kill him in order to marry her. So Abram told his wife, Sarai, that she should clain to be his sister in order to preserve his life, which Sarai agreed to do. When Abimelech laid eyes on her and heard she was Abram’s sister, he immediately took her into his house and began preparations to bring her into his harem.

But God came to Abimilech in a dream and said, “You’re a dead man—you’ve taken another man’s wife into your house.”

Abimilech replies, “Lord, is it Your practice to go around killing entire nations of righteous people? I haven’t so much as touched the woman.”

The Lord said, “You’re dead.”

Abimelech immediately remonstrated, “But Lord, he told me she was his sister, and she herself said the same thing.”

The Lord said, “You’re dead.”

Abimilech came back, “Lord, I did this in total integrity and with innocent hands!”

“Yes I know,” cam the answer. “But the man’s a prophet. So restore his wife to him, or you shall surely die, along with all who are yours.”

In my mind I’m thinking, “Lord, aren’t You being a little hard on Abimelech? I mean, Abram is the one who has blown it here. Abram is the one who has lied and cowered in fear. Abimilech is the good guy in the story. SO why did You come down so hard on Abimelech?”

I can imagine the Lord’s answer, “Because Abram is my friend. I know him, and he knows Me. I always stick by My friends.”

God was loyal to Abram even when Abram was wrong.

If this is the kind of loyalty that flows in God’s heart, then I want Him to be loyal to me, too. Because I need a God who will be my Friend even when I make foolish mistakes (which is often enough).

This is the God who has won my loyalties.

*From the book, "LOYALTY" by Bob Sorge

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I found this article online and I find it really interesting. Thanks to it, I finally thought of an idea for my thesis and it will about Filipino companies that have managed to beat foreign corporations. I have a secret agenda for it and that is to increase our nationalistic pride which I feel we greatly lack. We have too much colonial mentality in our culture and I'm here to prove that we're as good, if not better, than other countries particularly America. Ooh, I feel so modest. ^__^

I feel so relieved that I finally found a thesis topic that is decent enough. I once submitted a topic titled, "The Amazing Letter E" with the thesis statement, "The letter is the most widely-used letter in the English alphabet." It's the only topic I had that came close to our English teacher's requirement and also the stupidest idea I had ever thought of. It sounds as boring as Ms. Cabaluna, the most boring teacher ever.

Monday, October 17, 2005


I actually have lots of things to blog about, but I'm just not in the mood. Which is actually bad because I have loads to talk about like our swimming/outing last Saturday where me and my new friends, Vanessa, Steph and Abby where swimming from 11 pm to 6 am non-stop or my dad's birthday or the many blog templates I have that only needs coding because the graphics are done but i'm too lazy to code or the fact that i have already finished book 4 of Harry Potter and is currently reading the 5th book or when I visited my super rich granddad who eats at Figaro everyday for breakfast or some other expensive restaurant/cafe or how i'm suddenly feeling so far away from my friends including Hanyeo, Mika and Valerie or about one of our soccer coach being hospitalized and our soccer training moved from M-W-F to T-TH. Whew! That was one long sentence.

Have fun with these pics. I have so much, I'll never run out.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Does anybody know how to enroll at Hogwarts?

I'm part of the HP webmaster community! Cool!If I could have three wishes, I would wish for a laptop, lots of money that can fill a truck and to study at Hogwarts and be at the exact same year and house as Harry Potter--seriously. In fact, if Hogwarts is only real, I would be willing to do whatever it takes just to be a student there. And if I do get to be a Hogwarts student, I would be the weirdest witch at Hogwarts, even weirder than Luna Lovegood, in wizarding standards because I would be the most muggle-like witch there. Parchments and quills are impractical, there's a reason why notebooks and pens were invented, you know. If only gadgets are allowed in Hogwarts, I would have brought my cellphone too and the laptop I wished for, but according to Hogwarts, A History, these muggle machines do not work at Hogwarts, or at least that's what Hermione says.

You're probably wondering what's with the Harry Potter talk. Well these past few days, aside from studying for our Quarter Exams, I was also reading book 4 of Harry Potter. It actually started this Saturday and before I know it, I can hardly put the book down. Sadly, I also still don't have the 6th book, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Actually, I already own a copy, it's just not yet in my hands. My aunt in the stated bought me a copy, but she can only send it along with the balikbayan full of Christmas gifts from her which will probably be sent here around October or November. Sigh....

I had this conversation with a friend before which slightly annoyed me.

Friend: I heard someone's going to die at book 6.
Me: Don't tell me who.
Friend: It's Dumbledore.
Me: Waah!! T__T

I'm not sure if Dumbledore will really die, but it would have been much better if I've learned it while reading the book. Now the suspense is totally gone. Please, please, don't tell me any spoilers.