Monday, January 31, 2005

Cocktail Thing

I remember I have a section on my website before for quiz results just like these and I think I got so many I made 3 pages for it. Well here are my new quiz results:

How to make an Elisha

3 parts pride

3 parts ambition

5 parts beauty
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little emotion if desired!

Elisha says: It should have been 2 parts pride, 10 parts ambition, 20 parts weirdness, 20 parts cheerfulness and no beauty at all.

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Cool!
You're pretty cool! People look at you and think.. 'wow.. that person is cool!' Congratulations. Use your position wisely and teach the dorks below you a thing or two. There's nothing like recruiting a cool person.
Cool quizzes at

Elisha says: Uhm, cool? I am one of the dorks, the losers, the squares, the weirdos. There must be something wrong with this quiz.

Ooh, Jazzy!

I have great news!

When I called my friend Rosy on the phone this Sunday, I found out that her dance teacher is actually my old ballet teacher. And we agreed that we would both have jazz lessons this summer. Yay!

How happy! I'll be seeing Rosy a lot this summer, we also go to the same art lesson.

My brother says that if I do hiphop lessons instead, he's gonna come with me. But I won't and I still want my kuya to do hiphop.

Follow the butterflies. Follow the butterflies. (Sorry, this tune is stuck on my head.)

Edit: Hey look! My blog's name has changed! Co~o.0~ol.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

I Hate Weekends!

I can't believe it! I have no life aside from my online and school life. Now that I'm at home and exams are over, I just spent my entire Saturday staring into empty space listening to some sad music to feel more deperessed.

I've been dying to talk to my friends since last night, but they're all out somewhere, having fun--unlike me. I knew I should've just went to PowerBooks today and read my heart out. There's nothing good on TV either and writing on my diary doesn't interest me that much anymore.

If I am a character in Sims, my social bar would be very low already and I would be screaming curses to whoever was playing me.

And since I am so bored, I shall fill you in on what has been happening to me the whole week that I was too lazy to post.

We might have a soccer game next Saturday, I'm not sure if I would be joining it though. Whenever I go to our soccer training, it's always cancelled. I tell you, I'm cursed!

There's a new issue of W.i.t.c.h. and it comes with a free giant poster that I just taped in my room yesterday. The effects are nice, but the drawing kind of sucks.

We have a new member in me and Putchie/Mika's group blog. Hi Lena. It's not so easy to invite my other friends in our blog, like Hanyeo or Inna or Joan. I'm the only person I know in school who uses blogger, others use Xanga and most don't even have any idea what a blog is.

I wanna go back to school, not to study, but to talk and annoy my friends all day! T_T WAAAHH!!

Friday, January 28, 2005

Bad Luck X Exams X New Blog

I actually typed a long post for today at notepad, then I copied and commented on the blogs I usually go to. Then when I finally reached here, it turns out, I already copied something else so that long post I was working on was just a waste of time.

Anyway, I'll just tell you that exams were ok, especially math. We only have one page and it was sooo easy. I must be in heaven!

And I have a new blog! I can't tell you the title or URL though, I have a big feeling Mika (Putchie) will change it any time soon. I just hope she doesn't learn how to change it though. XP

BTW, I use the Xs in my title when I have multiple topics inside one post. I got it from the show, Hunter X Hunter. It's been a long while since I last used it and I was kinda missing it.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Your blood type and your personality.

What does your blood type mean?

A common superstition in Japan is that blood type is an indicator of a person's personality; similar to the Western belief in the Signs of the Zodiac (the Zodiac custom is also popular in Japan).

This custom is said to have started when some doctors in Japan made a medical report stating that people with Type A Blood were generally mild-tempered and intellectual, while people with Type B Blood were just the opposite. Today in Japan, blood type is popularly used as a personality-type indicator. Even though it hasn't been proven to have any scientific basis, many Japanese people believe in these distinctions to one degree or another.

Furukawa Takeji (1891-1940) proposed the theory on the relation between blood types and temperament. During the late Taisho -- early Showa period (1920s).

There are three facts that were found especially interesting and informative.

(1) Furukawa majored in experimental education at university, and upon his employment at a women's high school, he worked in its administration office. He came to believe there that temperamental differences of applicants were responsible for the failure of predicting school performance from results of entrance examination.

(2) He thought that human temperament was so simple that a theory needed to consider only two temperament types.

(3) He was from a family of many doctors, and was familiar with blood type, which was the newest physiological discovery of the day.

Type A

Speaking broadly, it is said that people with Type A Blood are calm, composed, and very level-headed and serious. They have a firm character, and are reliable and trustworthy (and hardheaded). They think things over and make plans deliberately, and they plug away at things steadily and assiduously. They try to make themselves more like their own ideal of what they should be. A Types may look aloof or distant to others. They try to suppress their own emotions, and because they have continual practice in doing this, this makes them appear strong. But, actually, they have a fragile, nervous side, as well. They tend to be hard on people who are not of the same type, and so they consequently tend to be surrounded with people of the same temperament.

Type B

People with Type B Blood are curious about and interested in everything. That may be good, but they also tend to have too many interests and hobbies, and they tend to get all excited about something suddenly and then later drop it again just as quickly. But they do manage to know which of their many interests or loved ones are the ones that are really important, the ones they should hold on to. B Types tend to excel in things rather than just be average. But they tend to be so involved in their own world or become so carried away with something that they neglect other things. They have the image of being bright and cheerful, full of energy and enthusiasm, but some people think that they are really quite different on the inside. And it can also be said about them that they don't really want to have much real contact with others.

Type O

Type O Blood people are said to set the mood for a group and to take on the role of creating harmony among its members. Their image is one of taking it easy, of being peaceful and carefree. They are also thought to be big-hearted and benevolent, and they tend to spend money on others generously. O Types are generally "loved by all." But, they also, surprisingly, have a stubborn and strong-willed side, as well, and tend to secretly have their own opinions on things. On the other hand, they have the flexible, adaptable side of readily accepting new things. They are easily influenced by other people or by what they see on TV. They seem to appear level-headed and trustworthy, but they often slip and make big blunders inadvertently. But that is also the point that makes O Types lovable.

Type AB

People with Type AB Blood are said to have a delicate sensitivity. They are considerate of other people's feelings and deal with them with care and caution. On the other hand, though, they are strict with themselves and those close to them. They, therefore, seem to have two personalities: one for those "outside," and another for people on the "inside." They often become sentimental, and they tend to think too deeply about things. AB Types have a lot of friends, but they need time to be alone and think things through, as well.

Blood Type A is the most common Japanese blood type. In America, Blood Type O is by far the most prevalent. In Japan, schools carry out thorough physical exams, and so the majority of Japanese people find out their own blood types from the results of these exams. Many Japanese are amazed to learn that a large number of Americans don't know their own blood types. "What's your blood type?" is a question heard much more frequently in Japan than, "What's your zodiac sign?" is heard in America. It is sometimes even used in casual self-introductions in informal situations.


To Eryka: Nice meeting you! Rico Blanco left some words of wisdom during the concert, "Kahit gaano niyo lait-laitin ang bene, pag wala na kayo dito, ma-mimiss at ma-mimiss niyo rin ito." He's also a bene alumni pala.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Batch Cheer

We lost in our batch cheer! WAAAHH!!!! Well, we did not exactly lose. We were just a 3rd placer. The real losers are the freshmen. My fellow sophomores might already be happy with that. I mean, their goal in life is being better than the freshmen. Nobody knows how to aim high.

I got a bit angry with my pessimistic bestfriend because she kept on saying: "There's no hope, we will lose over the freshmen. They have a choreographer." My continuous, "No. We will win. There's always hope! Basta!" shut her up a bit. I even remember what her favorite phrase was last year: "Why are we practicing? We're not going to win, anyway."

Oh well. I'm bored with the usual cycle of seniors being the best followed by the juniors, the sophomores and then the freshmen.

I still remember when we were in grade school. Even if we were still grade 4, we won 1st place and the same happened when we were grade 5. In grade 6 and 3, we had our field demo. No cheering competition.

Anyway, I got to go. I still need to get ready for the Jam and Jive concert. I just saw Ding Dong Dantes (he is so cute in personal! ^_^) because he's a judge and later I'll watch Kitchie Nadal (O~oh! Wag na wag mo sasabihin...) and Rivermaya perform. Woot!

Oh yeah, I also need to persuade my big brother to come. I'm going to be popular! Yay~! Me and my brother are opposites, sometimes I wonder if he's adopted (joke!). He's so popular while I'm not. Some of the older year levels even know me because of him. lol

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

This Week

This week, this week.... What did I do this week? I can't remember.

*racks brain even harder*

I guess I'll start from Monday. Erm... what did I do in Monday?
Well I do remember improving in Gunbound this Sunday, it's a new MORPG my brother has installed. At first, I kept on hitting myself. I even killed myself! Now, thankfully, I can already bombard others and kill them too without killing myself.

Yesterday, I went with Hanyeo on her way to the Accounting Office to pay for the tuition fe of her little brother. On our way there, we passed by a bulletin board and I read there an announcement for a poster making contest. I was so excited. I've been waiting for a painting contest in the HS Dept. for a long, long time and they still haven't announced any. And the poster making contest was applicable for all departments (grade school, high school and college) and also for faculties and staff. There is one winner for every department and a prize of a thousand pesos. Since I found the announcement in the grade school, I doubt any fellow high school members know about it.

I'm going to win. I'm going to win. Lalalalala. ^_^


For the first time in my life, I ran out of things to post on this blog. Probably because my life is boring. All we did today was practice for our upcoming cheering competion. I wasn't even participating.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

New Template

Hello blog. It's been a long time since I last updated you.

My online wanderings have led me back to my very first bloghost: Livejournal. Eventhough my blog's template there was so simple, it kind of made me want to update it. I love simplicity matched with the perfect color combination. Well, the colors is not really not that nice, but what the heck, all I wanted to say was I missed blogging. I can't believe I just wasted one paragraph for that.

Maybe you got a bit surprised with my new temp--or maybe not. Anyway, I got tired of my previous one. It was too... blah. It was just supposed to be temporary, then I forgot about it and was too lazy to create my very own template. So once again, I'm back with the default ones Blogger offers.

I can't believe after five days of abscence, this is the best post I could produce.

Oh, what the heck.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


It feels so weird. Suddenly most of my classmates is calling me Stargirl or Star. I'm not complaining since I like stars. I'm just used with my name that's all.

It all started with one of our past Biology Projects. We were asked to create a comic strip with our current lesson. I made a comic about a superhero named Stargirl and our Bio teacher started calling me that ever since and now so are my classmates.

I don't really mind being called Stargirl, I just prefer Elisha more, but I still like Stargirl! ^_^

PS: Please don't call me Stargirl. If everyone starts calling me that, I might forget my real name.

Cellphone thievery 101

Remember one of my old posts when I said there was this event and I was using a laptop with free internet? Well, after posting that entry, I roamed around the place and managed to get hold of a nifty KHAN poster and an old issue of MPH (Mobile Philippines - a magazine about digital technology).

They have this article about cellphone snatching and I learned a fair amount of information. Like having an outdated cellphone (ex. Nokia 5110, 3210) doesn't mean you're safe from cellphone thievery. Snatchers can already earn a nifty Php500-1000 with those.

There are also two classes of theives: high-breds and low-breds. Low-breds uses brute force while high-breds make you trust them then they fool you. Low-breds say that the reason for their theivery is because of drugs so that they will be "cool," while in reality, they do it because of hunger and needs of his family.

Snathcers uses different kinds of modus operandi that, believe it or not, have actually fooled a number of people.

Ex. 1. On a beach or pool, the culprit would watch a group of people dress down for the swim. Then he will observe where they place their phones. When they're gone and their bags are huddles by the pool or under a shady area, he will park his bag in the middle of the bunch, take a swim, make people laugh and like him. When everybody is busy, he will return back to the pile of bags, act like he's rummaging through his stuffs while actually, he's transferring your cellphones in his bag.

Ex. 2. Culprit would dress up on his most professional-looking attire, go to a premier university, check the class schedules and enter a classroom just before a class starts. He will then introduce himself as a substitute teacher and pretend his battery is low. He will borrow from one of the students and go to outside to he could "catch a good signal." Once out of a site, it's time for him to scram.

So what else have I learned? I learned not to lend anyone I don't know no matter what he says he is, not to use my phone in public, no matter what model I'm using or better yet, don't use my phone at all (?) and that cellphone snatching is a good hobby especially if your broke. Joke!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Blah, blah

I was planning to post a long entry about an article I read in a magazine, but because I still have a project to do, I guess I'll just whine about teachers giving tons of projects especially on 4th quarter. Why don't they just give tons of quizzes or exams instead? At least with that all you need is to manage to answer some pieces of paper and pray that you get the most number of scarlet check marks on it.

And that concludes my post for today. Now if you'll excuse me, I still have to create a powerpoint presentaion for Biology.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Free internet!

Hello! There's an event happening onn our local mall (Alabang Town Center) and there are some cellphones, laptops, mp3s etc. here and there's a laptop free for use with free internet!

Gosh, I'm not used using this. The keyboard is too thin, the pad-thing that substitutes a mouse is kinda hard to use, but still I WANT TO HAVE A LAPTOP!!!

To Eryka: Oh yeah, I forgot. We're not exempted with Health. Good thing that was only 2 quarters.
To Lena: Varsity members allowed to attend music class last year, but not anymore because if you're noisy at class, the teacher can't deduct your conduct grade since your grade doesn't comefrom him but your varsity coach.
To Meg: D3ll commented on one of my posts before about Gaia Online and posted a link to the SOCK group blog. I liked the blog because it was humorous, but it doesn't update often so Abe, who also claimed he was D3ll, referred me to your group blog.
How exactly can I teleport there?

Friday, January 07, 2005

Koreans X Soccer

There are some koreans invading our school! They're like exchange students and they will be staying with us for seven weeks, which I think is until February. There's one in every class and two on the star section. The one in our class is so shy. Her name is quite confusing. Some people call her Geena, others Cheena and I think some of the boys are trying to make fun of her. The most notorious guy in our class, Marlowe, said "You're very beautiful," and others stuffs to her in korean.

Me and Valerie found her in a gazebo full of boys and we got worried because they might be tricking her or better said in Filipino, nang-uuto. But we did not do anything. Yes, we're cowards, but what if their intentions are well after all? We could've been left embarassed. Besides, we didn't know what to do.

This entry is getting boring.
Nothing of importance happened today except that I almost had my first soccer practice this year after a very, very long time and our coach is crazy (I hope none of my team mates read this! gulp!). Because only a few are attending our training, he was thinking about demolishing the female varsity soccer team. He even let our soccer team's fate lie on whether or not he will be able to shoot (he was playing basketball). Luckily, he wasn't able to shoot the ball, which means we still have a soccer team, which is good because I love being a varsity member.

Being a varsity member means being exempted in PE, Music and Health class. Oh, I love the look of envy in Mika's face whenever it's PE time. While she is forced to go to the gym, I on the other hand, happily stay in the library finishing the homework I was too lazy to do last night, reading books or writing my story and enjoying the air con. ^_^

We moved from the covered court to the benches in front of the football field. Then he left us and before we know it, we saw him speeding away on his motorcycle and out of school. Leaving us yell, "Coach! Coach!" Ofcourse I did not shout, I have sore throat for goodness' sake! I don't know if he ever said goodbye though, my mind was wandering somewhere else.

All in all. we did not train, we just went to the gym, carrying our soccer stuffs and waited there for nothing. At least I got home just in time to watch One Piece.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

First day of classes this 2005

Lol, first day of school and I'm late! Darn, I wanted to arrive early so I could say hello to my friends, I missed them so much. I was so perky in the morning, I remember saying "Hello, Inna-chan!" to my friend Inna a lot of times, I think I was starting to annoy her. My friend Mika on the other hand was still feeling sleepy, she was so quiet. I tried tickling her so she would wake up, but it was useless since she's one of those people who doesn't feel tickled.

Aside from annoying my friends, making an awful lot of noise (my throat ached by the end of the day), I was able to give my gift to one of my closest friends, Monice. It was her birthday yesterday and there was no classes yesterday. Happy Birthday Monica! Lol, I remember I almost wrote Merry Christmas on her gift tag XD. I already wrote the "Merry" and half of the letter "C" so I just wrote: Merry, Happy, Jolly Birthday! It's either I'm still feeling the long-gone Christmas spirit, or I'm just not in my right mind at that time.

Oops sorry, I gotta end this post already. I'm chatting wid my ffriend, Mika on my YM right now. Bye!