Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Nothing Like Blogger

I miss Blogger...

It's been about a year since I switched to Multiply and I haven't been as active in blogging as before, maybe it's because of my schedule or perhaps I just have nothing of interest to say (harhar, as if!). Yet, nothing can deny the fact that the feel of Blogger is definitely different from Multiply. I guess it's like the feeling of home. Hence the saying, "There's no place like home." I feel more comfortable writing here in Blogger, maybe because this is where I'm used to. The flow of my ideas are more free and there's a certain warm connection.

In Multiply, there is always someone who would comment back at you and it's usually someone you know. I know that's a good thing, but I do not favor it. I prefer to make the most of the internet's free media by blogging without the fear of being judged by people you know and meet regularly, where I can say whatever I want and just be myself.

But the underlying reason why I really miss blogging is...

...I miss writing.
