Saturday, September 03, 2005


For all of you who are Globe cellular users, I'm sure you have heard of the unlimited text promo where you can text 'till you drop for one whole day.

Well today, I decided to give it a try. Determined to make the most out of this opportunity, I began texting almost everyone in my phone book. Soon enough, they stopped replying to me, either they ran out of load, too busy or they got too annoyed of me. I couldn't blame them, I text them even the most useless things like, "Hello. How are you? I feel like eating chocolate. CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE" Isn't it obvious that I'm bored?

For all of those whom I have annoyed, sorry for that.

Friday, September 02, 2005

The Secret of Good Blogging

stupid fucking bubblesOne word. Yep, the secret for good blogging lies in this one, single word. It's forbidden and at the same time quite common. I'm sure you've heard it a million times. It have been thrown around all the time, people don't even notice it's secret power anymore. This word, this one, single world, is probably the secret ingredient of all the greatest bloggers world wide. And this world is (pardon my language) fuck.

I recently checked put some of my favorite, award-winning blogs and I can't help but notice their constant swearing.

"Oh for FUCK'S SAKE spare me the bullshit, really, the photo was quite clearly taken with a fucking cameraphone!"

"Kitta: Bob sent me a magic 8 ball and I'm asking it all sorts of questions, it's so much easier than thinking.
Kitta: Should I go make dinner?
8 ball: Why not?
Phobia: Ask your 8 ball if I should go and buy dinner.
Kitta: Should Phobia go buy dinner?
8 ball: How should I know?
Kitta: Well, you are a mother fucking 8 ball.
8 ball: Sure.
Kitta: Don't take that tone of voice with me young 8 ball!
8 ball: I'm cool with that.
Phobia: OMG, that 8 ball is pretty cool.
Kitta: Go to your room.
8 ball: No way!"


That's fucking all, thank you.

Edit: Wanna learn how to use this "F word"? Click here.